Договори про співпрацю
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Анонс конференції 2024 рік
До уваги студентів, аспірантів, науковців та викладачів! Запрошуємо Вас взяти участь в ХIIІ Міжнародній науково-практичній Web-конференції «Композиційні
День відкритих дверей
Запрошуємо вас долучитися 17 лютого 2024 року до Дня відкритих дверей КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського КПІАбітFest ОНЛАЙН, на якому ви дізнаєтеся про освітні
Платформа з працевлаштування КПІ
Платформа з працевлаштування КПІ Студентові знайти омріяну роботу, а роботодавцеві — кваліфікованого спеціаліста в КПІ тепер легко. Адже у Київській
History of the Department
Training of engineers-technologists of silicate profile in the Kyiv polytechnic institute began to carry out from first-year of its creation. In this plan a considerable deposit was done by an engineer-technologist K. G. Dement’ev, who became an organizer and first manager of department of technology of build materials and mineral substances, led diploma works and projects, and in 1905 protected DPhil on a theme "Scientific bases of building materials technique" and became a professor.

K. G. Dement’ev made quite a bit effort for providing of students train aids. It is known that he wrote about 40 books on chemistry questions, chemical technology and heating engineering of building materials, chemical production control.

In 1921 the department of silicates technology disconnected at the head with B. S. Lysin, who brought in the best traditions of the teacher K. G. Dement’ev. Under direct guidance of B. S. Lysin about 500 engineers-technologists geared-up for silicate industry and science, many from them showed oneself as specialists of high level.

In 1920 year B. S. Lysin managed proceeding in the large Novorossiisk cement plants, in 1928 year he was the Presiding commissioner on the researching of cement plants building districts in Ukraine and source of raw materials. Ponderable is creative payment of B. S. Lysin and his student K. A. Galabutska, which became the head of silicates chemical technology department of the Lviv polytechnic institute, in development of kaolin industry in Ukraine. For scientific developments an academician АN of UKRAINE B. S. Lysin was awarded with the State bonus of the USSR, and his works from research of Ukraine kaolins are generalized in a number of monographs.

In 1956 the department of silicate technology of КPІ was led by DPhil., professor О. О. Аlent’ev. Continuing traditions of the predecessors, he extended scientific researches of department in industry of refractory material. By the way, he developed the technology of receipt magnesium hydroxide from the brine of lake Syvash. A main place among the workers of department was occupied by associate professor V.V. Manjyrnet - known specialist in industry of binding materials of air hardening, which in 1954-1955 and in 1961-1962 headed the department of binding matters in КPI.

In 1962 the department of silicates technology and binding materials of КPI were incorporated in one department of silicates technology under the direction of О. О. Alent’ev who managed to 1964 year.

From 1964 this department was headed by professor. О. V. Ralko. Scientific direction of his researches is related to finding out thermodynamics and thermo-chemical descriptions during drying and burning out silicate materials.

In 1969 the department of silicates technology in KPІ was divided into two: chemical technology of ceramic and glass - a chairman of department О. V. Ralko and chemical technology of binding materials, the head - professor О. О. Paschenko, which he headed to the end of 1989 year. О. О. Paschenko created scientific school, basic directions of research were traditional for КPІ - the expansion problem of silicate raw materials source There were works in industry of theoretical bases creation of silicate and composition materials technology production.

From 1990 for a present time a department is headed by professor V.А. Sviderskyi. The modern name of department combines specializations from chemical technology of binding, polymeric and composition materials and replies to the volume of works which are executed by a pedagogical collective to basic directions of scientific researches.

In 1991 year the first intake was carried out on specialty "Technology of polymers processing", and in 1997 year was the first graduation of specialists. The collective of department is making large work on creation the methodical providing of profiling disciplines teaching.