ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ ПРО ЗАХИСТ ДИСЕРТАЦІЇ МИРОНЮКА ОЛЕКСІЯ ВОЛОДИМИРОВИЧА 16 вересня 2024 року о 12.00 на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 26.002.24 КПІ ім.
Анатолій Мельниченко — офіційно ректор КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського! Згідно з наказом міністра освіти і науки з 19 липня 2024 року призначено нового ректора КПІ
Завантажити - оновлений сайт центру Міжнародної освіти Завантажити - центр Міжнародної освіти - посилання на освітні пограми
Завантажити На сайт кафедри ХТКМ додано інформацію про підписані договори про співпрацю (меморандуми) між кафедрою та підрприємствами, науковими установами та
List of educational disciplines
№ Disciplines
1 Construction materials
2 A prelude is of profession
3 Crystallography and mineralogy
4 Bases of technologies of refractory, non-metal silicate materials
5 The bases of equipment and planning
6 Silicate material science
7 Informative providing of composition materials researches.
8 Standardization, metrology in chemical technology of binding materials
9 Chemical technology of binding and composition materials
10 Nature of binding properties and chemical technology of relating inorganics
11 Operating reliability of construction materials
12 Technology of the special binding materials and wares is on their basis
13 Composition materials
14 Equipment of cement and asbestos-cement plants
15 Technology of gypsum, lime and wares on their basis
16 Chemistry of surface and basis of sheeting forming technology
17 An equipment of plants, specialized in productions of gypsum, lime and wares from them
18 Special methods of the silicate systems researches (alternative discipline)
19 Alternative technology and raw materials of silicate productions (alternative discipline)
20 Special divisions of chemical technology of binding materials (alternative discipline)
21 Modern problems of technology of binding materials (the special course for master's degrees).
Scientifically experienced work from the chosen theme and preparation of master's degree work
22 Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis
23 Chemistry and physics of polymers
24 Polymeric material science
25 Theoretical bases of processing of polymers and elastomers
26 Technology and equipment of processing of polymers and elastomers
27 Bases of technology of sheeting forming
28 Physical and chemical mechanics of the dispersible systems
29 Polymerization (polycondensation) materials
30 Informative providing of polymeric materials research
31 Standardization, metrology and quality management of polymers and elastomers
32 Chemistry of high molecular connections and elastomers
33 Technology of processing of plastics and еластомерів
34 Special methods of polymers and elastomers research (alternative discipline)
35 Special divisions of polymers and elastomers production (alternative discipline)
36 Modern problems of polymers technology (the special course for master's degrees)
37 Scientific research
38 Scientific work on the chosen theme and preparation of master's degree work
№ Disciplines
1 Construction materials
2 A prelude is of profession
3 Crystallography and mineralogy
4 Bases of technologies of refractory, non-metal silicate materials
5 The bases of equipment and planning
6 Silicate material science
7 Informative providing of composition materials researches.
8 Standardization, metrology in chemical technology of binding materials
9 Chemical technology of binding and composition materials
10 Nature of binding properties and chemical technology of relating inorganics
11 Operating reliability of construction materials
12 Technology of the special binding materials and wares is on their basis
13 Composition materials
14 Equipment of cement and asbestos-cement plants
15 Technology of gypsum, lime and wares on their basis
16 Chemistry of surface and basis of sheeting forming technology
17 An equipment of plants, specialized in productions of gypsum, lime and wares from them
18 Special methods of the silicate systems researches (alternative discipline)
19 Alternative technology and raw materials of silicate productions (alternative discipline)
20 Special divisions of chemical technology of binding materials (alternative discipline)
21 Modern problems of technology of binding materials (the special course for master's degrees).
Scientifically experienced work from the chosen theme and preparation of master's degree work
22 Analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis
23 Chemistry and physics of polymers
24 Polymeric material science
25 Theoretical bases of processing of polymers and elastomers
26 Technology and equipment of processing of polymers and elastomers
27 Bases of technology of sheeting forming
28 Physical and chemical mechanics of the dispersible systems
29 Polymerization (polycondensation) materials
30 Informative providing of polymeric materials research
31 Standardization, metrology and quality management of polymers and elastomers
32 Chemistry of high molecular connections and elastomers
33 Technology of processing of plastics and еластомерів
34 Special methods of polymers and elastomers research (alternative discipline)
35 Special divisions of polymers and elastomers production (alternative discipline)
36 Modern problems of polymers technology (the special course for master's degrees)
37 Scientific research
38 Scientific work on the chosen theme and preparation of master's degree work